
@ng-frrri/ngxs and @ng-frrri/ngxs-http exposes functions for pagination via PaginatedHttpCollection and a PaginationInterceptor. The current implementation is an endless pagination relying on the server to respond with a Link-header specifying the next page's url in a rel="next" tag.

Should you require a different pagination mechanism, we suggest to look at paginated-collection.state.ts and write your own implementation.

To get started using pagination, first add the PaginationInterceptor to your AppModule.

import { PaginationInterceptor } from '@ng-frrri/ngxs/pagination';

    declarations: [AppComponent],
    imports: [
    providers: [
            provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,
            useClass: PaginationInterceptor,
            multi: true,
    bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule { }

Then define your paginated state using the PaginatedHttpCollection decorator or your own implementation of the data layer you want to consume from:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { PaginatedHttpCollection } from '@ng-frrri/ngxs-http';
import { PaginatedCollectionState } from '@ng-frrri/ngxs/pagination';

    name: 'posts',
export class PostsState extends PaginatedCollectionState { }

A PaginatedHttpCollection automatically persists the Link header's rel="next" attribute into your state's next property. If you want to get the next page, simply call PostsState.getNext().toPromise() .

In cases where you need to load all available pages, you can use PostsState.getAll().toPromise()

Last updated