
By extending your State with CollectionState and adding the @HttpCollection decorator, you are all set to communicate with your api via the provided defaults /api/{collection name} . If you chose to consume data from somewhere else, you can always implement your own data layer to replace @ng-frrri/ngxs-http.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { CollectionState } from '@ng-frrri/ngxs';
import { HttpCollection } from '@ng-frrri/ngxs-http';

interface Post {
    id: string;
    body: string;
    title: string;

@HttpCollection({ name: 'posts' })
export class PostsState extends CollectionState<Post, Post['id']> { }

Global customisation

You can fully customise the baseUrl, endpoint and other relevant things via the @CrudCollection decorator's options, or globally for all collections by providing COLLECTION_OPTIONS_TOKEN anywhere in your module.

Overriding defaults for every @CrudCollection globally:

    providers: [
            provide: COLLECTION_OPTIONS_TOKEN,
            useValue: {
                baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
                requestOptions: {
                    delay: 500,
            } as CollectionOptionsProvider,
export class StateModule { }

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