
Getting started

Install @frrri/ngxs-crud and its peer dependencies.

# @frrri/ngxs-crud
npm install @frrri/ngxs-crud --save

# dependencies
npm install @ngxs/store @ngxs-labs/data --save

Set up NgxsModule, NgxsDataPluginModule, and HttpClientModule in app.module.ts

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
import { NgxsModule } from '@ngxs/store';
import { NgxsDataPluginModule } from '@ngxs-labs/data';
import { EntitiesState } from './entities.state'; // <-- we will add this next
import { PostsState } from './posts.state'; // <-- we will add this next

  imports: [
    NgxsModule.forRoot([EntitiesState, PostsState], {
      developmentMode: !environment.production
export class AppModule {}

Now add a CrudEntitiesState (acting as a parent to your entities) and your first CrudCollectionState:

import { PoststState } from './posts.state';

    name: 'entities',
    children: [PostsState]
export class EntitiesState extends CrudEntitiesState { }

In your app.component.ts you can retrieve data from your API:

We recommend using Routing Instructions to resolve data instead of calling posts.getMany() directly in your components.

import { Store } from '@ngxs/store';
import { PostsState } from './posts.state';

@Component({ ... })
export class AppComponent {
  constructor(private posts: PostsState) {}

  getPosts(name: string) {

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