States Registry

As you might have noticed by now, routing instructions and ui components use state paths to specify a collection.

    name: 'posts'
export class PostsState extends CrudCollectionState { }

    name: 'entities',
    children: [PostsState]
export class EntitiesState extends CrudEntitiesState { }

The PostsState collection can now be access via the path entities.posts. Retrieving the correct state is handled by the StatesRegistryService.


The service exposes a function called getByPath(path: string) that lets you retrieve states via their path mapping. The mapping is automatically generated via the name attribute in the decorator options. Nesting is performed by the children array in the decorator options.

import { StatesRegistryService } from '@frrri/ngxs-crud/registry';

export class AppComponent {

    constructor(private registry: StatesRegistryService) {
        const entitiesState = this.registry.getByPath<EntitiesState>('entities');
        const postsState = this.registry.getByPath<PostsState>('entities.posts');


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